Tyler Star-Interview
Tyler Star is an upcoming musician from New York who started to make noise in the music industry. We had the pleasure of interviewing Tyler.
Check out interview below:
- Tell us about your background getting to where you are today?
As a kid, I moved around a lot. I started getting interested in music to connect with all of the people hours meeting. I went to a new school probably every year and then eventually release my first record that instantly got local traction with the radio stations and surrounding areas.
2. Where are you from?
I’m from The capital of New York, Albany! There’s a lot of great talent coming out of the 518
3. When did you start music?
I started music when I was in middle school but didn’t release my first official record until I was 19.
4. How did you get into music?
I was always interested in music but mainly inspired by the older crew that was always around. Big face entertainment was the first company I worked with and from there I branched off.
5. What is the most challenging thing you have overcome in your life?
I face new challenges every day of my life, but some days are easier than others of course! The toughest challenge with music is probably doing everything by yourself. It’s One thing to Figure things out and it’s another to actually get things done.
6. Are you currently signed or independent?
I’m not signed to a major, but nowadays there isn’t really a rush. Understanding the industry and funding the creations are important roles being an independent artist/label.
7. Who inspires you the most musically?
I don’t know if it’s a who but the entire industry inspires me from every angle. I guess if I had to pick one person I would pick, RIP, Nipsey Hussle. I don’t feel like anybody can match his energy or genuine intentions. We lost a good one, RIP.
8. What do you want people to take away after listening to your music?
I just hope if people take one thing from my music that They can all take some confidence and motivation. Being from New York everything is fast pace, so i want people to be able to feel like getting up and moving around.
9. Any new music coming out soon?
I have a new single coming out called “Left on Read” the process in making the record has been exciting so far and it’s almost ready for a date!
10. What is your greatest achievement as a musician?
Some of the greatest achievement Would have to be the shows and tours I’ve been a part. Releasing music is fun but there is nothing like the rush of performing in front of thousands of people!
Listen to Tyler Star below: